Exempt from compulsory product certification

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The full name of 3C Certification is "Compulsory Product Certification System", the English name China Compulsory Certification, the English abbreviation CCC. It is a product conformity assessment system implemented by the Chinese government in order to protect consumers' personal safety and national security, strengthen product quality management and comply with laws and regulations.

Import CCC product catalog of goods, declaration of import are required to provide the corresponding mandatory product certification certificate. However, in the actual import link, goods in the CCC directory that meet specific conditions can apply for exemption from compulsory product certification (hereinafter referred to as CCC exemption).

一、 in line with the conditions of CCC exemption

(1)Products and samples required for scientific research, testing, certification and testing.

(2) Equipment/parts required by the factory production line/complete production line (excluding office supplies).

(3)Products used only for commercial display but not for sale.

(4)Parts and components imported for the purpose of exporting the whole machine.

(5)Other circumstances in which compulsory product certification is exempted for special purposes.

二、 CCC exemption from the handling requirements

The applicant who meets the requirements for exemption from CCC shall submit an application for exemption from CCC to the local market supervision department. The specific requirements of the applicant are as follows:

(1) Products and samples required for scientific research, testing, certification and testing. The applicant for exemption of such products must be the organization that conducts research, development and testing of such products. CCC certification test sample exemption applicant must be CCC certification principal. Such products and samples shall not be sold or made available for general consumer use.

(2)Parts/products required directly for end-user maintenance purposes. The applicant for exemption of such parts/products must be the maintenance unit (including the complete/complete vehicle centralized buyer/warehouse/its designated parts buyer) or the end user. The quantity of parts/products should be controlled within a reasonable range.

(3)Equipment/parts required by the factory production line/complete production line (excluding office supplies). The applicant for exemption of such equipment/parts must be the factory/company using such equipment/parts.

(4)Products used only for commercial display but not for sale. The applicant for exemption of such products must be the company responsible for commercial display. The applicant shall indicate in the application materials the time of display and the treatment of the products after the display (shall not be sold or provided to ordinary consumers), and ensure that they do not change the use of the products.

(5)Parts and components imported for the purpose of exporting the whole machine. The applicant for exemption of such parts must be the factory/company that uses such parts. In the application materials, the applicant shall promise to go through the verification formalities within two weeks after the export of the finished product to the market supervision department for the inspection of the market supervision department.

三、 CCC exemption from the application way

Way 1 to apply: "Single window" Standard Edition portal website :www.singlewindow.cn Click Standard Edition application - License - mandatory product certification certificate or certification document one by one to enter the business system


Click the "Mandatory Product Certification Certificate or Certification Document" and log in successfully to enter the "Business Entry Selection" interface. Users can click the "exempt from applying for Mandatory Product Certification Certificate", "Mandatory Product Self-declaration" or "Mandatory Product Certification Certificate" business entry as required.


Claims for route 2: http://cccmb.cnca.cn/cccmb/


After the enterprise registers and logs in according to the requirements, select no application - Add an application, input data as required and submit.


CCC does not do the acceptance of certification, audit, the realization of the whole electronic application and management, the applicant does not need to go to the site method. Since the data acceptance of the application within 5 working days, complete the audit and issue CCC exemption certificate, the applicant with the market supervision Administration issued by the "exemption from mandatory product certification certificate" for import clearance.
